Breastfeeding is when the new moms feed their baby breast milk, usually directly from the breast. It is also called nursing. Making the decision to breastfeed is a personal matter.
The evidence that we have from the early studies during the pandemic when it began in 2020 in Italy was that it had a major impact on the breastfeeding rates which dropped amongst the educated Urban population and we experienced a drop in rates
Introduction to solids and weaning is a process of exploring, learning about foods, learning textures and also transiting from completely milk-fed which could be breast milk or formula milk to adult-like eating behavior.
The disruption of COVID-19 came not just with the threat to the health but it also came with major changes to lifestyle like physical distancing, wearing masks
It can be easily said that most of us are experiencing a heightened level of worry and anxiety because of the overall COVID-19 pandemic around the world resulting in hormonal imbalance in women.
“This is where I am.” Take stock of it now whether conceptually, creatively or by planning out through goal setting, then just let go of all the negative thoughts
“What I feel about being a woman and a mother is that at all points we need to raise our children with the belief that we are enough because as an individual
Language in the form of poetry, rhyme, or song has been clinically proven to activate both sides: left and right sides of the brain, so it merges the logical and creative aspects of an individual.
Microgreens are quite rich in flavour and can be integrated into your diet quite easily in various ways. They are rich in nutrients and can be really effective in reducing the risks of some diseases.