
  • Pregnancy is a physiological phenomenon of 9 months when the baby is developing within a female body. During this 9-month period, a fertilized egg transforms into a baby. The course of pregnancy can be divided into three different stages such as: first trimester, second trimester and third trimester.

  • Pregnancy is considered to be one of the most beautiful phases of a woman’s life. During this phase, however, a woman goes through remarkable and quite explicable changes in her body. This teamed up with morning sickness and a few more problems, calls for a good pregnancy plan to combat all the problems. Proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle is the ultimate key for a healthy pregnancy.

  • The reference of ghee can be found in Ayurveda, where ghee is not only sacred but has been mentioned as magical too with its curative properties. Ghee is said to be curative as it can help in treating ailments. Modern scientific researchers have also shown that ghee is extremely effective in reducing heart diseases.
  • Almond is a perfect food, which is packed with nutrients including fiber, protein, magnesium as well as vitamin E. It is also a impeccable food for the weight watchers. It is the best source of protein and calcium for any vegetarian, vegans, gluten or dairy free diets. There are some important benefits of almond of which few are discussed below for the reference of the readers.

  • "I asked the leaf whether it was frightened because it was autumn and the other leaves were falling.