
  • Just when you’re starting to get used to the whole newborn and new mother phase of your life, like getting up at 3:00 AM for feeding or changing nappies along with handling some house chores, it’s time to get back to the corporate world. This is the moment when you start doubting yourself- will you be able to deal with the strict deadlines, the crazy work hours and let’s not forget, the anxiety and guilt of leaving your baby alone in the care of someone else. Don’t panic! With a bit of planning and preparation, getting back to work can be a smooth, comfortable and happy journey for both you and your baby.

  • Hormonal imbalance occurs if either an increase or decrease in the essential hormones is found in the blood. A little fluctuation in hormone levels can cause significant side effects since major physiological processes of the body are regulated by hormone.

  • Pregnancy is a physiological phenomenon of 9 months when the baby is developing within a female body. During this 9-month period, a fertilized egg transforms into a baby. The course of pregnancy can be divided into three different stages such as: first trimester, second trimester and third trimester.

  • Pregnancy is considered to be one of the most beautiful phases of a woman’s life. During this phase, however, a woman goes through remarkable and quite explicable changes in her body. This teamed up with morning sickness and a few more problems, calls for a good pregnancy plan to combat all the problems. Proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle is the ultimate key for a healthy pregnancy.

  • The reference of ghee can be found in Ayurveda, where ghee is not only sacred but has been mentioned as magical too with its curative properties. Ghee is said to be curative as it can help in treating ailments. Modern scientific researchers have also shown that ghee is extremely effective in reducing heart diseases.