The Prenatal Wellness Programme is for expecting mothers to understand and experience the joys and tribulations of pregnancy. Nutrition is vital for the mother and growing fetus. An acceptance that the body is physical ,extending itself to accommodate to the needs of the little one can come through a deeper understanding of prenatal lifestyle choices. The lifestyle of an expecting mother is influenced by her hormones, her increasing weight, fatigue, home and work environment.
Mind and body seem to be out of sync during this stage of a woman’s life. A comprehensive approach to health includes superfoods for pregnancy and battling fatigue, energy inducing light workout schedules, meditative and stress relief practices, counseling to comprehend and accept continual changes namely physical, emotional, and spiritual. Furthermore, a mother needs to prepare for her baby’s needs postpartum as well. Lactation and nursing preparations are key to that knowledge. Awareness of infant behaviour, feeding cues, sanitation requirements are key to prenatal preparedness.
A mother may face innumerable challenges postpartum such as infant non- attachement, breast anatomy issues, dietary restrictions, mood swings or depression. At the prenatal stage, she can preempt and verse herself with the expected life changes to be equipped to deal with them post birth.
This program is a holistic approach to making your pregnancy comfortable, informed, mindful – making a more empowered mom and baby.
1.Prenatal Nutrition
- Energy inducing essential foods during pregnancy.
- Managing fatigue, acidity, and nausea.
- Vital nutrients for enhanced fetal development
- Recommended at: 3 – 6 months prenatal (Trimester 1 or 2)
2.Childbirth Education and Fitness
- Birthing Methods.
- Physical agility basics.
- Stretches to relieve shoulder and back stress.
- Arm strength building in preparation for the infant.
3.Prenatal Counseling and Therapy
- Focus on Fetal Development.
- Mind-Body Synchronization.
- Stress Relief and Relaxation Therapy.
- Hormonal Therapeutic Balance Exercises.
4.Prenatal Lactation Preparation: Why? How? When? How much?
- The essential components and benefits of breastmilk.
- Breast physiology of lactation.
- What to expect at the onset of lactation.
- Position and Latch.
- Recommended at: 7-8 months prenatal (Trimester 3)
5.Managing Mom Postpartum
- Troubleshooting breast anatomy issues.
- Postnatal nutrition for mom.
- Managing home and work life with breastfeeding.
- Expressing breastmilk.
- Managing Maternal Anxiety.
- Recommended at: 7-8 months prenatal (Trimester 3)
6.Understanding the Newborn
- Understanding the Infant, hunger, security, language.
- Comforting the Newborn – techniques to soothe the baby.
- Baby Care (Sanitation).
- Recommended at: 7-8 months prenatal (Trimester 3).
Average Session Length – 60 minutes each session. Materials such as handouts, props, videos, and food charts will be used during the class.