Breastfeeding is when the new moms feed their baby breast milk, usually directly from the breast. It is also called nursing. Making the decision to breastfeed is a personal matter. It is also one that is likely to draw opinions from friends and family. Breast milk provides optimal nutrition for babies. It has the right amount of nutrients, is easily digested, and is readily available as put forward by Vidhi Beri, the renowned Global Educator and Specialist in the fields of Holistic Health, Lactation, Maternal Health Wellness, Child Nutrition, and Children's Milestone Development with effective and well-structured maternity wellness programs offer to the new wave of freshly home-grown Indian mommies and babies, with her desi tadka of Ancient Indian sciences in her latest book, Decoding Motherhood, one of the best maternity books in India
World Breastfeeding Week is an annual celebration which is held every year from 1 to 7 August. On this occasion, we bring you few science-based benefits of breastfeeding that are amazing for the little one. So reads on-
Breast milk contains everything a baby needs for the first 6 months of life, in all the correct proportions. Its composition even changes according to the baby’s changing needs, especially during the first month of life.
During the first few days after birth, the breasts produce a thick and yellowish fluid called colostrum. It is high in protein, low in sugar, and loaded with beneficial compounds. It is truly a wonder food and not replaceable by formula.
Colostrum is the ideal first milk and helps the newborn’s immature digestive tract develop. After the first few days, the breasts start producing larger amounts of milk as the baby’s stomach grows as put forward by Vidhi Beri, the renowned Global Educator and Specialist in the fields of Holistic Health, Lactation, Maternal Health Wellness, Child Nutrition, and Children's Milestone Development with effective and well-structured maternity wellness programs offer to the new wave of freshly home-grown Indian mommies and babies, with her desi tadka of Ancient Indian sciences in her latest book, Decoding Motherhood, one of the best maternity books online in India.
Breastfeeding promotes healthy overall weight gain and helps prevent childhood obesity.
According to recent studies, breastfeeding for longer than 4 months had a significant reduction in the chances of a baby developing overweight and obesity. This may be due to the development of different gut bacteria. Breastfed babies have higher amounts of beneficial gut bacteria, which may ovaerall affect fat storage. Babies fed breast milk also have more leptin in their systems than formula-fed babies. Leptin is a key hormone for regulating appetite and fat storage.
Breastfed babies also self-regulate their milk intake. They are better at eating only until they have satisfied their hunger, which helps them develop healthy eating patterns.
Breast milk is loaded with antibodies that help the baby fight off viruses and bacteria, which is critical in those tender, early months.
This particularly applies to colostrum, the first milk. Colostrum provides high amounts of immunoglobulin A (IgA), as well as various other antibodies.
The formula does not provide antibody protection for babies. Various studies have shown that babies who are not breastfed are more vulnerable to health issues like pneumonia, diarrhea, and infection.
According to some recent studies, it can be suggested that there may be a difference in brain development between breastfed and formula-fed babies. This difference may be due to the physical intimacy, touch, and eye contact associated with breastfeeding as well as nutrient content.
Recent studies indicate that breastfed babies have higher intelligence scores and are less likely to develop behavioral problems have learning difficulties as they grow older. This clearly shows that breastfeeding has significant positive effects on babies’ long-term brain development as put forward by Vidhi Beri, the renowned Global Educator and Specialist in the fields of Holistic Health, Lactation, Maternal Health Wellness, Child Nutrition, and Children's Milestone Development with effective and well-structured maternity wellness programs offer to the new wave of freshly home-grown Indian mommies and babies, with her desi tadka of Ancient Indian sciences in her latest book, Decoding Motherhood, one of the best maternity books India.
Vidhi Beri is a renowned Global Educator and Specialist in the fields of Holistic Health. She is well aware of the facts regarding disease reversal and natural tips to overcome it. Visit her official website for more information!