So if we are talking about babies’ food appetite, it is very necessary to highlight some of the nutritionist food items which are healthy and good for the baby at early stage. Making the transition from the breast milk of mother to a solid form of food is a very big step in baby and mother’s life. Many mothers worry on how to deal to the transition and whether their baby will happily adapt the changes or not. Well, the ideal approach is to take it slow and steady, and baby will adapt the habit sooner. So below will be shown some of the healthy and simple Baby led weaning India recipes for the baby that will definitely improve the baby’s health.
1. VEGETABLE IDLY: - vegetable idly are very good source of whole food, it has rice vegetables in it and provides energy to the baby. it contains:-
2 cups od idly batter
½ cup of grated beetroot
¼ cup of grated carrots
Oil for greasing
And salt to taste.
2. YUMMY CARROT FINGERS: - it is very helpful and easy to introduce to the baby, because of its fancy and attractive look that attracts the baby and they eat it too. It has carrots and cucumbers and beetroots in it. That provides instant energy and vitamins and minerals, that helps the baby to stay protected and healthy. They keeps the baby’s skin fresh and energetic. Their digestive system also remains healthy and strong.
3. POTATO POHA: - potato poha is the basic and most common dish that most of the mothers prefer to give to their baby’s, because of its density and solidness. Potato make the muscle strong and increases the growth. it contains:-
½ cup of poha or steam pressed rice
1 table spoon of peanut powder
1 medium, sized of potato, finely chopped
1 small onion, finely chopped
½ teaspoon of turmeric powder
½ teaspoon of fennel powder
1 teaspoon of vegetable oil
Salt to taste
4. BAKED CAULIFLOWER FLORETS: - this recipes is very easy to make and the baby will relish it to the core. it is made up of:-
1 small cauliflower
½ teaspoon of cumin powder
½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder
1 pinch of pepper
1 teaspoon of coconut oil
And at last salt to taste.
Vidhi Beri is a renowned Global Educator and Specialist in the fields of Holistic Health, Lactation, Maternal Health Wellness, Child Nutrition, and Children's Milestone Development with effective and well-structured maternity wellness programs offered to the new wave of freshly home-grown Indian mommies and babies, with her desi tadka of Ancient Indian sciences in her latest book, Decoding Motherhood, one of the best Maternity books India. Visit Vidhi Beri’s official website to know more-