Courses conducted by Vidhi Beri
CAPPA Certified Lactation Educator
Managing the Newborn
- Understanding the Infant , hunger, security, language
- Comforting the Newborn – techniques to soothe the baby
- Baby Care (Sanitation)
Recommended at: 7-8 months prenatal (Trimester 3)
Breastfeeding (Lactation) and ChildBirth Education course details:
- Birthing Methods
- Natural/Normal
- Pain relief options
- C-section
- Waterbirth
- Hypnobirthing
- Lactation: Why?, How? When? How much?
- The essential components of breastmilk
- The benefits of breastfeeding: to mother and baby
- Breast physiology of lactation
- What to expect at the onset of lactation
- Position and Latch
Recommended at: 7-8 months prenatal (Trimester 3)
Benefits of Breastfeeding- Lactation
Breastfeeding is considered as the most integral activity that the mother undertakes for the health and development of the child. Incalculable amounts of benefits are derived from the mother’s milk in the form of vital nutrients, antibodies, etc that protect the child post-birth and help in the prevention of various child-related diseases. The benefits derived from the breastmilk for the child are immense. Some of them have been enumerated below:
- Protection against diseases: Breastmilk provides natural protection and in developing immunity against diseases like diarrhea, vomiting, gastroenteritis, necrotizing entercolitis, childhood diabetes, ear infections, respiratory illnesses, pneumonia, bronchitis, kidney infections, septicemia, etc. The mother’s milk through the presence of vital nutrients and antibodies helps in the development of immunity system of children.
- Healthy development of the baby: Breastfeeding assists in the development of better IQ of the children, better vision and speech abilities and increasing the chances of better bone formation.
- Emotional development: Breastfeeding also plays an important role in the emotional development of the child as the child feels cared for and secured through the process of breastfeeding by the mother. The relationship and warm bonding developed between the child and mother goes a long way in the emotional and psychological development of the infant.
- Increasing the child’s ability to digest food: The breastmilk provides a layer on the intestines of the child during the growing years that prevent formation of the bacteria and reduces chances of allergies.
- Vital nutrients: Vital nutrients like IgA and IgE etc are present in abundance in the mother’s milk.
- Reduction in obesity: The feeding of child with mother’s milk reduces the chances of obesity and related disorders.
The benefits of breastfeeding for the mothers are below:
- Reduction in risk posed by cancer: certain cancers like that of breast, cervical, ovarian, and uterine cancers are reduced when a mother breastfeeds her baby.
- Protection against diseases: Risk of a number of common illness that are experienced by women like anemia, osteoporosis, hip fracture, rheumatoid arthritis, etc are known to reduce among mothers breastfeeding their child.
- Assisting in natural child spacing: Breastfeeding mother who is not ovulating during breastfeeding is able to space the time between two children naturally.
- Faster recovery from weight gain during pregnancy: women who have gained weight during pregnancy have better and faster recovery. They are able to reach the pre-pregnancy period faster through breastfeeding. Manufacturing of milk in a mother’s body requires burning of calories that reduces the fat stores.
- Emotional health development: Breastfeeding helps in creating ever-lasting special bond between the mother and child.