Every day we have certain things that are achievements whereas somethings are just failures. Practice the following exercises every day:
Always count your achievements and write down your ten gratitude for the day, things that you are grateful to have or things you have almost achieved on a daily basis because they make you recognize what you have achieved every single day even if it is being thankful for a supportive family. You can take a sheet of paper and some colored pens to pen down “Ten things I am grateful for today” or just call for a gratitude notebook which you can take forward for the entire year.
And then, we have a baggage that we carry and this we should never carry forward to the next day. So, forgive whoever seems to have troubled you including your child, your house help, a worker, someone in a taxi or someone on the road. Forgive them and yourself for being unable to respond to them whether it was a child or not being equal to a task at that time. Always forgive yourself and also the other person who may have caused any kind of minor to major distress to your well-being state.
Unload your day on a piece of paper or in the fire. The unloading activity of writing down anything that is negative said to you or penned up inside you needs to be put on a piece of paper and torn plus burnt away because that helps us get rid of any baggage that we carry. Spend minimum of 2 minutes to maximum of 5 minutes, to unload all your negative thoughts, feelings and distress on a piece of paper. Tear it or crush the paper and the best way to get rid of the baggage is to burn the paper in fire and just let go off it.
So, we must end our day with being grateful, counting our blessings and achievements tangibly, unloading all the negativity within us and being free. So, always start your day with being mindful and end your day being grateful, free and that leads you to feel more centered and well-balanced every single day.